Tuesday, July 16, 2013

networks in learning tasks and teaching methods

I have studied vocational pedagogy 1 and 2 in two different study groups. The first one was called Jupiter, as the planet, and we studied vocational pedagogy together during fall 2012. Our learning goals and tasks were in Optima and we prepared for 4 virtual session. The sessions were nerve wrecking for most of us because it was new for us to teach online. The learning outcome was often something completely different than I thought in advance. What I learnt from these sessions was that it is really important to plan learning content in virtual teaching. It has to be very clear, and presence and interaction is vital. You can read about our four sessions in the following posts: 1, 2, 3 and 4 here.

The virtual sessions were important, but the real learning happened elsewhere. The learning happened during our preparations for these sessions, in our planet teams. We learnt from each other, got hints from others where to look, had to explain what we meant, why we think something is important. It was difficult to find time for common chats, difficult to have time to do the tasks but that is what teachers' meet in the classroom all the time. It was good to experience the joy of learning together and to also experience the downsides.

I embrace learning together nowadays. Something I used to hate, has become something I va,lue deeply. I have learnt to listen to others, I have realized that one ok idea becomes one great idea after it is shared with others and elaborated further. The sooner this happens, the better is the end result.

Networks can be created for different purposes. For example a blog or facebook group for a single course. The most important factor is that information is shared and that there is room for exchange of ideas and discussions.

There are many networks available out there. They are often meant for a particular group of people - only teachers, only students, only political scientists etc. The challenge is to create a group for a wide range of people; say teachers, students, entrepreneurs, experts, NGOs where there is real activity and sharing of ideas. I think the lievästi outoa liiketoimintaa (LOL) is an excellent approach to include students, entrepreneurs and teachers into real problem solving and learning of new skills. I would love to create something similar in Kokkola.

If I create such a network, will you join?

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