Tuesday, October 9, 2012

second virtual session

Nice to hear and see such improvements! I enjoyed the popplet excerise about progressive inquiry (PI). A good way to brainstorm or gather thoughts about the subject. Maybe it would work even better if the popplets would have been read out loud or if we would have taken turns/rounds.  But it was definitely worth doing and I are still talking about it! I would have liked more meat on the bones, though, as regards to actual theory. I felt that the steps should have been explained in PI and project-based learning (PBL).

We tried to focus on the teacher's role in teaching PBL and PI. We interviewed Mervi Jansson at InnoOmnia in a video. She is very enthusiastic and had tons of good points what a teacher should do and what a teacher shouldn't do when teaching using PBL. She introduced the collect - relate - create - donate framework, which has been created by Ben Schneiderman. I must check this!
She also mentioned a game in social media that works in a PBL way. Lievästi outoa liiketoimintaa - take a look for yourselves. An interesting way to involve students and entrepreneurs in problem solving.

There are a lot of methods to use for collective learning - a real jungle. Through this exercise, I am now aware of it. The PI model felt a little complicated. One reason is that we had split up tasks and the learning was not very collaborative. It is hard to discuss and comment content when you only have expertise in one area. You learn the best from your mistakes! I want to focus on collaborative learning next time!

The third session introduced us to virtual teaching -  how it could be enriched. I was hoping for flashy, easy ways to make my future lectures awesome but there are no easy ways. The engaging and motivating students video was very good - that explained a lot. What really matters is the teacher, no matter if it's face-to-face or virtual teaching. The teacher must be present and use her toolbox. The teaching and the discussions worked well, we def. had the most engaging discussions about virtual teaching.

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