Monday, December 17, 2012

the individuality of learning

What is your favorite method of learning? It depends what you want to learn, right. 

One approach to learning is by defining one’s preferred learning style or styles. Teachers will then try to match the preferred learning styles of the students to the teaching. You may read more about learning styles in the first virtual session post and learning styles post.

Another way to differentiate learning is by separation of learning methods. In entrepreneurship education teachers are encouraged to use different methods of teaching. Below I have listed learning methods that are encouraged in entrepreneurship education. Precisely these methods were listed in a survey conducted by Lappeenranta University of Technology and Kerho keskus ry where 343 elementary and upper secondary school teachers participated in a web-based survey about their methods and activities during the last 6 months in 2009-2010. The top of the list represents the most popular methods for the teachers and the bottom end lists the least popular methods.

1. learning by doing
2. problem based learning
3. co-operative learning
4. learning by developing
5. creative problem solving
6. learning in teams
7. peer learning
8. project based learning
9. real world simulation
10. e-learning
11. learning diaries, portfolios
12. debates
13. pedagogical drama

 You may read more about the study in Pihkala et all. 2011. Entrepreneurship Education - What Is Really Happening in Class Rooms? The above mentioned learning methods activate the students to take part in their own learning process. They encourage a learning environment which is not based on endless teacher lectures. The majority of these methods are collaborative but individual learning is also used. Especially e-learning is excellent for learning at an individual level. Educational technology provides a great tool to strengthen students weak areas.

There is a lot going on in e-learning at the moment. There is e.g. the Molla project for pre-school children. Molla (media, participation, child) – project started in 2011 and is funded by the Finnish national board of education. The aim of the project is to introduce ICT (tablets and digital cameras) to pre-school children in a safe and participative environment. The project is produced in co-operation with Turku Top-centre and Viikki Campus of the University of Helsinki and is implemented in Lappeenranta, Lemi, Savitaipale and Taipalsaari regions.

On elementary school level there are seven schools in Vantaa participating in a pilot project where ICT is being used in order to support individual learning. One example of this is Havukoski school where they matched the students learning styles and placed the students in four different groups based on the findings. One of the main ideas is to develop teaching practices where ICT (laptops) are being used to support different learners.
There are a lot going on in the e-learning field, which is good, but it takes time to get the big picture.

I’m looking forward to see what teaching and learning is like in my teacher practice school. I am very eager to dig into it and am determined to find suitable methods to teach depending on the subject.

Molla (Media, osallisuus, lapsi). Retrieved on 17 December 2012 from

Pihkala et all 2011.Entrepreneurship Education - What Is Really Happening in Class Rooms? Retrieved on 17 December 2012 from 

Tieto- ja Viestintätekniikka opetuksen eriyttämisen tukena. "Jokaiselle jotakin -oppilaiden oppimistyylit verkkopohjaisen oppimisen taustalla". Retrieved on 17 December 2012 from

Tieto- ja Viestintä tekniikka opetuksen eriyttämisen tukena. "Tavoitteet". Retrieved on 17 December 2012 from 

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